
How to install apps on Nokia 220 and 225

Nokia 225 and 220 are MediaTek devices produced by Microsoft which uses series 30+ OS for mobile devices. Even though most of us buy these phones just for torch light, call & sms, sometimes we just want to do more stuffs like surf the web with apps like operamini or uc browser or even play mini games. The problem here is that this OS cannot run or install common java apps like other Nokia S40 devices.
Nokia 225 & 220 are powered by MT6250 chips and use MRE apps which have the extension .vxp.
MRE app developers are few so its hard to find and download apps. You can join to develop MRE apps using the MRE SDK download it from here. Also get more info on developing MRE apps from here.
Here is a list of some basic MRE apps and games which might just be handy for some people. Download MRE (.vxp) apps below and enjoy

Not all the apps listed on this page are fully supported by this phone. You might get errors while trying to run them.

If you have more working MRE apps why not share ;D


  1. THIS IS MRE SDK normal eng link And you need also this

    If you want older mre sdk version I have MRE SDK 2.0 version and can upload.

  2. I have nokia 220 phone, need "note pad" or other related software required to install in it. anybody help me because only one draft save in sms
