
Download MTK Custom Secure Boot DA Loader Files for Motorola Devices

Few weeks ago I made a post on custom secure boot DA loader files for some huawei devices if you did not see that post, you can find it here. Now this post is the same but for Motorola devices with Mediatek chipset. If you do not know about  this, know that new MTK devices with better chips comes with secure boot and you cannot easily perform certain actions like removing frp, security code, pattern lock etc with tools like CM2, NCK etc. on these devices. Using the normal MTK DA (Download Agent) loader file will display various DA errors on these tools. What you need to use now is load a custom DA loader file with matches that of your device then carry out your task with ease.

Use the files below at your own risk!

Here are download links for custom DA files of some Motorola devices

More coming soon.......

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  1. pls how do i use secure boot file

    1. Use it with any flashtool that accepts secure boot eg CM2, nck etc

  2. Thanks for the files I once have a Motorola E4 plus E1772 that refuse to flash due to bootloader lock hope this secure boot allows me to flash is with my stock room.

    See latest there
