
How to fix "Download fail. please redownload?" on infinix X5010 after frp remove

The image above shows and error which usually occurs on infinix X5010 ater frp remove with miracle box. This error occurs on some MTK devices when theres no checksum or dl check after flash or format.
If you have any mtk device with with this problem "Download fail or DL fail", don't sweat it thinking that you might need to download and flash the full firmware of the device. The following write up below shows how you can easily solve it.

Launch your Miracle Box.
Click on on MTK tab > Unlock/Fix.
Select Fix DL Mode.
Now click Start Button and connect device to PC.
Wait for process to complete.
When you see Verify...Done, know that process is complete.
Disconnect and reboot device.

Hope this helps.

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